Our Classes

Honeybees (6 weeks – 1 year old)

Our infant class, the Honeybees, is designed with sensorial exploration in mind. In this class, they’ll learn how to smile, laugh, babble, talk, wave, eat, crawl, walk, and much more. Our Honeybees also have their own nap schedule. The goal is to provide a nurturing and safe environment for our littlest friends.

Rollie Pollies (1 year to 1.5 years)

Our goals for our toddlers in the Rollie Pollies class is to acquaint them Pre-K life while maintaining the comforts of the infant classroom. They will learn to use sippy cups and how to feed themselves at a table. Also, we’ll transition them to one nap at a regimented time of the day. But we’ll be spending the majority of the time introducing them to new ideas and modes of expression, encouraging them to use their words, and helping them explore the world!

Hoppers (1 .5 to 2 years old)

By now, many of our littles are beginning to walk, eat at the table, and even start to make friends. They are growing independent but still need lots of help in their learning journeys. We continue to foster self-expression and hone in on communication skills. This class is available at our Sugarhouse location.

Crickets (2 to 2.5 years old)

Like Hoppers, our littles in here are growing more confident with their fine motor, communication, thinking and imaginative skills. They are beginning to learn numbers and letters and have ample opportunity for exploratory play. They love to dance, sing songs, and also work on movement skills. Friendships really begin to blossom in this class – which we love to see!

Fireflies (2.5 to 3.5 years old)

Our lively fireflies are ready to explore! The children in this class will be preparing for potty training and becoming more confident with their communication skills. We introduce parent-teacher conferences at this level, as well as circle time and lesson plans for our students. We also continue to take a single, two-hour nap during the day. This class is available at our Sugarhouse location.

Caterpillars (3 to 4 years old)

Our three-year-old class is so exciting! It doesn’t take long for our Caterpillars to be counting to ten, singing their ABC’s. holding a pencil and scissors correctly, and participating in group activites. Their circle time will include prayer, checking the weather for the day, and saying the Pledge of Allegiance, among other things. We know that some of our Caterpillars aren’t big nappers, but we still encourage rest and relaxation during nap time.

Pre-K (4 to 5 years old)

Our little ones are getting so big, now they’re Dragonflies! Our four and five year olds build upon skills they learned as Caterpillars to prepare them for Kindergarten. We learn to count to twenty, develop personal hygiene and social skills, continue with circle time, and begin learning reading skills, and hone in on our social skills. This class replaces nap time with a “rest time” after lunch, where our teachers read a story and encourage relaxation.

Example of a Daily Classroom Schedule